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What Every First Time Parent Should Know

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Our goal is to be a trusted partner to parents everywhere, and first time parents are no exception. Here are a few things we think every new parent should know.

Always remember, Back to Sleep

  1. Babies should sleep on their backs.
  2. Place baby’s head in alternating directions in the crib every night.

Change the direction of your baby in the crib every day.

Tummy to Play

  1. Start Tummy Time as soon as baby comes home from the hospital.
  2. The best moves to begin with are tummy-to-tummy or tummy-to-chest.
  3. You can also use this time as an opportunity for skin-to-skin contact.

Baby Massage

  1. Baby massage is a great way to bond with your newborn.
  2. Can help baby’s senses develop.
  3. Can boost new parent confidence.

Baby Massage

Ask the Experts

  1. Nurses can provide great tips on how to do the basics.
  2. Doctors help with more specialized questions specific to your child.
  3. Lactation consultants are on hand at many hospitals to help with feeding.
  4. There are no bad questions—so ask away!

Reach Out

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  2. Don’t hesitate to ask your pediatrician questions.
  3. Reach out to family and friends that you trust.
  4. There will be hard days, so build your support network from the start.

Feeding Baby

  1. Your baby will be hungry!
  2. Newborns will nurse or take the bottle every 2-3 hours on average.
  3. Formula-fed newborns lose about 5% of their body weight and breastfed newborns lose about 7-10% of their body weight during the first few days.
  4. Most babies should be back to their birth weight by their two week well-baby visit.
  5. Pay attention to your baby’s feeding habits.

Communicate with Baby

  1. Crying may mean they are upset, tired or hungry.
  2. You’ll be able to identify these various types of cries over time.
  3. Talk to your baby throughout the day to help baby feel safe and promote bonding.

Immunization Schedules from the CDC

Easy-to-read formats to print, tools to download, and ways to prepare for your office visit.